
Dec 18, 2024

Why swimming is the best exercise for dogs of all ages

Siddhartha Jana

Swimming encourages full-body movement that increases strength, endurance, and flexibility, making it the perfect low-impact workout for dogs of all ages and breeds.

Source: Canva

It is particularly helpful for dogs with joint problems or arthritis since the water's buoyancy eases joint stress while enabling moderate mobility.

Source: Canva

Compared to walking or running, swimming helps older dogs feel less stressed, increase their flexibility, and lower their risk of developing arthritis pain.

Source: Canva

Dogs that swim benefit from improved circulation, cardiac strength, stamina, lung capacity, and general heart health in addition to weight loss.

Source: Canva

Swimming's calming rhythmic motion can help reduce tension and anxiety, especially in dogs that struggle with separation anxiety or other stress-related conditions.

Source: Canva

By offering cerebral stimulation and fostering enduring memories, swimming can deepen your relationship with your dog.

Source: Canva

Use positive reinforcement, such as praise and food, and begin swimming cautiously in shallow water. Until your dog gains confidence, always keep an eye on them and keep them out of deep water.

Source: Canva

With care to prevent hazards like water ingestion, ear infections, and fatigue, swimming lessons should be customised to your dog's age, level of fitness, and overall health.

Source: Canva

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