Essential guidelines for accurate home blood pressure monitoring
Siddhartha Jana
Monitoring blood pressure at home is critical for people with hypertension or cardiovascular problems, but it requires precise techniques for accuracy.
Source: Canva
Measure blood pressure with a validated device in a quiet environment after five minutes of rest, with the arm and back supported.
Source: Canva
Take two measurements every session, 1-2 minutes apart, and monitor blood pressure twice a day (morning and evening).
Source: Canva
Keep a record of all readings, compute the average, and show them to your doctor.
Source: Canva
Morning blood pressure readings should be taken before breakfast and medicines.
Source: Canva
Waiting 30 to 60 minutes after waking up helps the morning surge to dissipate, resulting in more accurate and dependable blood pressure measures.
Source: Canva
Common blood pressure monitoring mistakes and how to fix them