Rider Noni, a preferred social media vlogger identified for sharing her biking adventures throughout India, just lately recounted an incident of harassment in Ajmer, Rajasthan. In a viral video, Noni described how an unidentified man misbehaved along with her whereas she was strolling her pet cat, Hukum, throughout a cease on her journey from Jodhpur to Ajmer.
Noni shared that her cat usually delays its rest room wants whereas travelling. As daybreak approached, she stopped by the roadside in Ajmer to stroll her cat when an unknown man protested in opposition to her cat’s rest room break on the streets, and shockingly tried to hurt her cat, she claimed within the video.
Additional, she sought assist from the police, submitting a proper criticism when the scenario escalated. The video, which has since gone viral, exhibits the person on his knees apologising whereas his mom and spouse request the vlogger to take again her police motion. Regardless of the apology, the incident has ignited an outrage, elevating considerations about ladies’s security.
Watch the video right here:
The video gathered over 12 million views as many social media customers expressed considerations over ladies’s security. A person wrote, “It’s actually unhappy you needed to face this mess! However you dealt with it nicely.” One other person commented, “Don’t take your criticism again, allow them to endure the results of their actions. For those who hadn’t filed a criticism would he be apologising to you? No.”
“If he can try this with you , it is advisable to perceive that is how he should have deal with her women at dwelling , you shouldn’t taken again your criticism, it might be a lesson for him,” a 3rd person reacted.
Earlier, Noni made headlines after she shared a horrifying incident of an unknown man allegedly getting into her room the place she was a visitor.