Vadodara rural police Tuesday detained 10 individuals for allegedly assaulting three migrant employees in Padra taluka, late on Monday evening, on the suspicion of them being thieves.
The alleged incident occurred when the victims had stopped by to look at a garba celebration within the Santram Bhagor space of the city, police stated. Native individuals started “questioning the migrant employees about their intentions”.
The victims, who’re stated to be natives of Uttar Pradesh and non-Gujarati talking, sustained bruises and accidents on their faces and limbs till they have been rescued by police.
The incident comes amidst growing viral rumours on social media about thieves and dacoit assaults in rural areas of Central Gujarat.
Vadodara Superintendent of Police Rohan Anand instructed The Indian Categorical that ten individuals had been detained and an FIR was being lodged towards the accused. “We’re probing the case… The residents suspected that the employees, who seem to work in a manufacturing unit shut by, have been thieves as a consequence of rumours going round,” he stated.
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