A Thak Thak gang member has been arrested for robbing a Meerut-based jeweller of Rs 54 lakh at Sarai Kale Khan, police stated on Friday. Rs 45 lakh have been recovered. Police recognized the arrested man as Abhinav alias Abhimanyu (24).
Jeweller Sanjay Kaushik was was robbed on October 15 en path to Chandni Chowk to purchase jewelry together with his associate Kailash. The automotive through which they have been travelling contained two luggage containing Rs 54 lakh.
Kaushik’s grievance acknowledged that close to Sarai Kale Khan round 3 pm, two unknown individuals on a motorcycle approached to say that the engine oil of his automotive was leaking. He stopped and located some oil within the engine space. As he was checking the bonnet, the 2 males took the baggage and fled, the grievance added. Police tracked one of many suspects to Saket. A lure was laid and Abhimanyu was arrested on October 16.
“Throughout interrogation, he revealed that he’s an lively member of the Thak Thak gang,” stated Bhisham Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime Department).