Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Ok Stalin on Friday condoled the demise of six individuals in a hearth at a non-public hospital in Dindigul district and introduced an ex-gratia of Rs three lakh every to the following of kin.
The CM expressed his sympathies with the households of the victims that included a minor woman. Two different deceased individuals hailed from Theni district.
In a press release, Stalin introduced a sum of Rs 3 lakh from the Chief Minister’s Public Aid Fund (CMPRF) to the households of the victims.
He additionally prolonged help of Rs one lakh every to these below therapy within the intensive care unit (ICU) with severe accidents and Rs 50,000 to individuals with easy accidents.
He additional stated he has directed that the most effective medical therapy be supplied to these admitted in close by authorities and personal hospitals.
Official sources in Dinidgul stated three individuals have been at the moment below therapy in ICU.
On Thursday, round 9.30 pm, a blaze erupted within the non-public hospital, leaving six useless. The victims have been discovered unconscious in a raise and have been declared useless by docs at a hospital.
That they had suffocated to demise, police and hearth officers stated.
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