The Karnataka Lokayukta police on Wednesday launched simultaneous search operations in a number of districts towards eight authorities officers accused of amassing disproportionate property. The searches had been being carried out in Bengaluru metropolis, Chikkamagalur, Bidar, Belagavi, Tumakuru, Gadag, Ballari, and Raichur, focusing on the residences, workplaces, and properties of the accused officers and their relations.
The accused authorities officers are Shobha, joint commissioner, transport division, Bengaluru metropolis; Dr S N Umesh, well being and household welfare officer (Kadur); Ravindra, inspector, minor irrigation and groundwater growth, Bidar; Praksh Sridhar Gaikwad, tehsildar, Khanapur; S Raju, retired Regional Transport Workplace (RTO) official, Tumakuru; Hucchappa, assistant government engineer, Gadag municipality, R H Lokesh, welfare officer, Backward Courses Welfare Division, Ballari; Huliraja, junior engineer (elect), BESCOM, Raichur.
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