On Saturday night, Roop Nagar Police Station obtained a name from a girl. “She stated her 15-year-old daughter was lacking,” stated DCP (North Delhi) Raja Banthia.
Instantly, ASI Satish was assigned because the investigation officer for the case. “He, together with Inspector (Investigation) Manoj Kumar and Inspector (Regulation & Order) Sumit Kumar, visited the home,” the DCP stated.
The mom stated at 3 pm, she spoke to her daughter over a name about her tutorial struggles. “The household was exterior and the lady was alone at residence,” he acknowledged.
Her father (55) had gone out for work, her mom (48) who works as an accountant was additionally on the job whereas her brother (20) was out along with his mates. “As the girl realised her daughter may hurt herself, she requested her son to return residence… however the teenager wasn’t there. As a substitute, he found a suicide notice left behind by his sister,” the officer added.
Panicking, her mom made a PCR name at 4.13 pm stating that her daughter had left a notice through which she wrote that “she goes to her Dadaji”. The DCP stated the mom informed the police that her dadaji was useless.
The teenager additional wrote that “she shouldn’t be capable of do something in life” and thanked her household, stated the DCP.
DCP Banthia stated the crew shortly examined the CCTV footage from the neighbourhood and narrowed down the search to 2 areas – Signature Bridge and Wazirabad Outdated Bridge. In addition they enlisted the assistance of native safety guards working close to the websites.
“A breakthrough got here after they discovered a lady had jumped into the Yamuna, within the Khadar space of Outdated Wazirabad bridge, round 6 -6.30 pm,” the officer stated.
“A guard, Brijesh Kumar, who works on the Metro development website close to the Wazirabad bridge, jumped in and pulled her out,” stated Banthia.
“She was safely handed over to her mother and father after counselling and due formalities.”
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