The Enforcement Directorate Friday carried out raids towards the Mysuru City Improvement Authority (MUDA) in Karnataka in connection to a cash laundering case linked to alleged irregularities within the grant of land, information company PTI quoted official sources as saying.
This comes within the wake of an ongoing investigation towards Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, his relations and others.
“The MUDA workplace in Mysuru and another areas are being raided by the federal probe company officers together with an escort of a central paramilitary drive,” the sources have been quoted as saying. No premises of the CM or his household are being lined as but.
The FIR registered by the Mysuru-located Lokayukta police institution on September 27 names Siddaramaiah, his spouse B M Parvathi, brother-in-law Mallikarjuna Swamy and Devaraju.
Whereas the alleged MUDA rip-off includes irregularities within the allocation of a number of hundred websites, the main target has remained on the alternate websites allotted to Siddaramaiah’s spouse B Parvathi.
Parvathi was granted the alternate websites in 2021 after MUDA acquired a three-acre-16-gunta land owned by her with out finishing up the land acquisition course of.
— With PTI inputs