A day after the ruling BJP registered a historic victory in Haryana, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday chaired a gathering of the Council of Ministers and gave the message of fine governance and public service to his colleagues. This was the second assembly of the council of ministers in his third time period.
It’s learnt that the PM requested the ministers to make sure that all of the officers of their respective departments full their coaching modules on iGot, a coaching platform for presidency officers. He requested the ministers to make sure that grievances and RTI purposes filed of their departments are responded to on time. In his remarks, the PM additionally reiterated his authorities’s coverage of ‘zero tolerance’ towards corruption.
In the course of the assembly, Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane; Professor Abhay Karandikar, Secretary of the Division of Science and Know-how (DST); and a member of the Financial Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM), shared their respective departments’ plans and priorities for the subsequent 5 years.
The primary assembly of the Council of Ministers was held on August 28. Within the first assembly, the PM had requested the Union Ministers and secretaries to observe the mantra of “Reform, Carry out, Rework and Inform”.
Earlier, the Prime Minister has spoken about his mantra of “Reform, Carry out and Rework” on a number of events throughout his two earlier phrases.
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