The police on Wednesday arrested two members of ‘Shahnawaz’ and ‘Chuha’ gangs concerned in reducing and stealing cables of Delhi Metro from close to stations similar to Welcome, Kashmere Gate, and Jhilmil, inflicting disruptions to coach companies, officers mentioned.
The arrested recognized as Sumit aka Billa, 22, and Deepak, 20, are siblings and residents of Madan Pur Khadar in Sarita Vihar space, the Delhi Metro police mentioned on Thursday.
“Sumit has been concerned in 9 earlier instances of theft, whereas Deepak has a document of 14 offences. They used ropes and help from different gang members to climb onto the Metro tracks and steal the cables. The stolen cables had been then disposed of by the gang leaders, Shahnawaz and Chuha, who distributed a share of the cash amongst their members,” Dr G Ram Gopal Naik, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Delhi Metro, mentioned.
The police have additionally recovered a cutter, 5 blades, and ropes used for the crimes.
“Additional investigation is underway to apprehend the remaining members of the gangs,” the DCP mentioned.
Throughout interrogation, the lads confessed to their involvement within the current cable thefts, the police mentioned.
Performing on a tip-off, a particular workforce beneath the supervision of ACP Sanjay Kumar and ACP Dhirendra Sharma arrested the brothers from the Khadar space close to Seelampur Metro Station.