Bengaluru hosted the Karnataka State Scrabble Affiliation Indian Open, one of many largest occasions of its type within the nation, from January 23 to 26. The competitors was held on the workplaces of Mu Sigma, the occasion sponsor, in Whitefield.
Whereas the earlier version of the match noticed the participation of world champion Nigel Richards, many high-ranked worldwide gamers additionally participated within the competitors this 12 months. These included Hubert Wee of Singapore, ranked third on the planet, and the World Youth Scrabble Championship 2024 silver medallist, Bengaluru’s Suyash Manchali, aged 14. Over 140 individuals from 12 nations participated on this 12 months’s version.
The match was divided into Divisions A, B, C, and D to account for differing ability ranges. Whereas Division A accommodated the very best grade of participant ability, the separate competitors for the D Division on the final day of the match was meant to provide publicity to new entrants to the aggressive guidelines of Scrabble, which operates beneath a strict time restrict.
Aggressive scrabble is beginning to show successful with Indian kids too. In line with Ganesh Ramakrishnan of the Karnataka State Scrabble Affiliation, “On the World Youth Scrabble Championship, two Indians got here within the high 5. Suyash received the silver medal, and 13-year-old Madhav Kamath, who got here fourth, additionally got here to the occasion (Karnataka State Scrabble Affiliation Indian Open).”
Hubert Wee, the highest seed on the match, secured the highest prize of Rs 1.35 lakh in Division A. The Division B prize was taken by Delhi resident Sudhir Kamath, whereas the Intermediate C Division was received by Bengalurean Nirupama Sivaraman. Among the many newcomers, Abel George Mathew got here out on high within the D Division.